In 2006, I was told that my autistic son was not
"messed up enough" to qualify for an IEP. Crazy right?
That's when I knew I needed to learn more about the Special Education process. Years later, as a school librarian, I was brought in to translate for the Spanish speaking families at the IEP meetings. I was hooked.
I've spent years at IEP tables as mom, school staff member, and an Advocate. As a Bilingual IEP Coach, I work with families from all over the country and all walks of life. As a first-generation Cuban-American, I am proud to be able to support the Spanish speaking community that has been so underserved in this area.
My husband of over 30 years and I have raised two amazing young adults whom we are incredibly proud of.
Special Education is supposed to prepare a student for:
Further Education, Employment, and Independent Living.
That's the part that I am living now. I want to help you and your child get there too.
Board President - Lawyers Autism Awareness Foundation
A non-profit that our family started in 2011, which provides Sensory Friendly Santa events and a Sensory Classroom Program to provide Tampa schools with equipment for their special education classes.
Member - Master IEP Coach® mentorship
Ongoing professional development, with an amazing mentor and a nationwide group of educators, administrators and therapists. as well as having an opportunity to mentor fellow IEP Coaches.
Approved Service Provider - IEP Advocacy Grants for
21 and Change
An organization that provides Florida families that need the services of an advocate , but due to financial income or hardship cannot afford them. Giving of my time fills my heart.
Co-Chair - School Level Parent Engagement Subcommittee
for the Hillsborough County School District's Superintendent's Advisory Council for Special Education Students. I am willing to roll up my sleeves and be a part of the solution.
Mentor - Not Your Average Autism Mom Group
Providing Mentorship and IEP advice to mothers of young children newly embarking on their Autism parenting journey
A mi hijo lo diagnosticaron con autismo en el 2006. Me dijeron en la escuela que no estaba lo suficiente "desmejorado" para calificar para servicios de un IEP. Cuando trabajé como bibliotecaria y para profesional en las escuelas, me pedian que siviera de intreprete para las familias del habla hispana en las reuinoines. Ese fue el moment que decidí a dedicarme 100% al mundo de los IEP.
Como defensora bilingüe de IEP y Master IEP Coach®
trabajo con familias en todo el país a través de consultoría y asistencia a las reuniones escolares. Como hija de padres Cubanos, es mi orgullo poder apoyar a las familias de a la comunidad hispana, ya que ha sido tan desatendida en estas áreas.
I am NOT an attorney and do not provide legal advice or legal services. The information provided on my site and social media pages does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available are for general informational purposes only. My goal is to provide information to help you understand the special education process, the procedures in place, and to assist you in non-attorney advocacy within these guidelines for your child. While I hope to help you navigate the process of IEP/504 Plans, I cannot guarantee any specific outcome. All advocacy decisions are your own.
NOTA -NO soy una abogada y no proporciono asesoramiento o servicios legales. Toda información que proveo es solo para información general. Mi objetivo es ofrecer información para ayudarle a entender el proceso de educación especial, los procedimientos, y para ayudarle dentro de estas pautas para su hijo. Aunque espero ayudarle a navegar por el proceso de los Planes IEP/504, no puedo garantizar ningún resultado específico. Todas las últimas decisiones son suyas.